Monday, May 19, 2008

"Oh Carterton OH Carterton how Beautful though Art!"

When I first moved to Carterton I was told that this town had more artists and crafts person per capita than any where in New Zealand .I cant remember if I really believed this at the time, this town had me at "giday"as for being the center of the artistic world, well that was just froth on my latte .
15 years on and I have noticed more of a surge in the artistic community, we do indeed seem to boast more than our fair share of the creative genius.
Why Carterton is attractive to the creative throng, perhaps if we took a poll , it might suggest the array of quirky second hand stores, so many fish and chip shops you would need to work out out in one of our 2 gyms, duality seems to be a quirky trait of this town. There was a time we had 2 cafe ole's, 2 Perrys secondhand stores and you guessed it 2 square cafes. But if you ask me what makes this town really special , I suggest you take a walk down the main road of Carterton late at night, illuminated by the street light Carterton is at its most seductive, there is something very sexy about a town that hasent been renovated to within an inch of its previous lives.
It was only the other day someone said to me that Carterton is shaping up to be another Greytown. That was enough to stop this born again Cartertonian dead in her tracks, luckily I was outside our purple fish and chip shop, facing our lovely family thrift shop , for the time being a least bless its "woolen felted socks" Carterton thank goodness has never lapsed into the slippery slope called "good Taste".

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